Scientific research
The CLES is a certificate of competence in languages for higher education, strongly rooted in the world of higher education and research and supported by a scientific council of international experts.
Scientific research plays a central role in CLES testing. See relevant work listed on the French version of the CLES website.
Scientific research plays a central role in CLES testing. See relevant work listed on the French version of the CLES website.
For work carried out by the NULTE network see below:
- Julia C. Zabala Delgado, Laurent Rouveyrol, "Assessing verbal interaction: towards European harmonization. Insights from the co-operation between Spanish and French language exams for Higher Education (CertAcles/CLES)", in Language Learning in Higher Education, 12(1):129-157
- Bardière Yves et Rouveyrol Laurent, « The challenges of scenario-based language testing at university level: the CLES in the NULTE context », in Sprachen.Politik.Sprachenpolitik. Der Beitrag der Sprachenzentren zur Hochschule der Zukunft, actes du colloque AKS-Arbeitstagung, 5-7 mars 2020, Francfort sur Oder, Allemagne, pp. 183-204
- Cédric Sarré, "CLES, a Model Framework for 21st Century Higher Education Language Certification?", Language Testing in Europe: Time for a New Framework?, pp. 194-200
- Claire Tardieu, Monique Reichert, Annick Rivens Monpean, Référence : The e-CLES project: how to make a scenario-based certificate valid, reliable and fair?
Published on March 13, 2023
Updated on July 10, 2023
Updated on July 10, 2023